Understanding Your Dog and Cats Recommended Vaccines

Vaccinations are a crucial part of maintaining your pet’s health. They help prevent serious diseases and keep our furry friends happy and healthy. Here’s a look at some of the most common vaccines for dogs and cats and what they protect against: Canine Vaccines Rabies What It Protects Against: Rabies is a viral disease [...]

Traveling with Dogs? New Rules for Dogs Entering or Returning to the U.S.

"As of July 23rd, the CDC has revised their travel requirements for dogs entering the U.S. Dogs from low-risk rabies countries. Dogs can now enter if they appear healthy and have a completed CDC Import Form. All dogs must be microchipped and over six months old. More information here: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2024/s0722-dog-importation.html" Starting August 1, 2024, [...]

Heartworm in Pets: The Basics

When you visit the veterinarian, you're often reminded of the importance of protecting your furry friend from parasites. With various parasites posing a threat, it's essential to stay informed and understand the risks involved. As we celebrate Heartworm Awareness Month this April, we encourage you to learn about heartworm disease and how to protect [...]

Understanding and Preventing Marijuana Toxicity in Pets

With the legalization of marijuana, there has been a notable surge in pet cannabis poisoning cases, as reported by the Pet Poison Helpline, indicating a 400% increase since 2016. Understanding how marijuana affects pets and what actions to take in such instances is crucial. Understanding Cannabis Basics for Pet Owners: Cannabis, [...]

How to Tell if Your Pet is in Pain

Ensuring the well-being of our furry friends is a top priority for pet owners, and one crucial aspect of pet care is understanding when your pets might be in pain. Animals can't express discomfort in words, but they do communicate through their behavior. These are some key signs that may indicate your pet is [...]

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